The advantages of WPS

Good to know

All data is sent securely via an encrypted connection (https) and stored on our own servers in the Netherlands. In addition, our infrastructure is designed to deliver optimum reliability, safety and continuity.

Web based work permit system

The multilingual application is available anywhere through any web browser on any device; pc, tablet or smartphone, regardless the operating system. Only an internet connection is needed. No installation of any kind is required.

Always up-to-date

Because of its online architecture WPS is always up-to-date. There are no versions and nothing has to be installed locally. Make use of modern web browsers to use all functionalities.

Continued development

The Work Permit System is being developed continuously with new and improved functionalities. Due to our policy, all users will benefit of these developments of WPS

Safety, encryption (SSL), infrastructure

All data transfer is done safely and encrypted (https/SSL). In addition, our hard and software infrastructure is designed to deliver maximum redundancy. We use Tier 3+ data centers and our PUE is 1.6.

Data retention guarantees

All information is kept for as long as desirable. The complete process, with status changes of all permits, TRAs and safety isolation cards, remains available. Long finished permits can still be retrieved.


WPS can be fully customised to each organisation. The adaptability extends to the way the process itself develops, which roles and actors should be used and what steps should be taken.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

New technological developments make different ways of working possible. Our SaaS solutions are scalable and prepared for growth and change. We assist and guide in the implementation of all our SaaS solutions for your organisation.


In the unlikely event that WPS does not completely meet certain requirements, extra modules can be developed.