LOTOTO, also referred to as "Lock-Out Tag-Out Try-Out", is a safety procedure used in industry to ensure that hazardous machinery/situations is properly locked before starting maintenance.

LOTOTO is a method in which a situation is made safe by locking area’s or turning off switches and test if the lockings work properly etc. This will be done in such a way that other persons cannot undo this protection. Usually special padlocks are used for this. At the same time, where necessary, labels (Tag) are applied, showing that for instance, the machine is under maintenance, but also showing who is working on it. An important aspect of LOTOTO is that all employees involved become aware and remain aware of the necessity to work according to the safe (LOTOTO) method.

Permit to Work and LOTOTO

WPS has a fully equipped LOTO system that can run on its own or in combination with the work permit system. This way, when using LOTOTO in combination with work permits, safety levels rise because the WPS system first demands all the necessary lock-outs before providing/releasing the work permit.